/in costs/by econsorI. Medical treatment for infertility –hormone therapy
The costs for hormone therapy are covered by your health insurance. The aim of a hormontherapy is the stimulation of oocyte maturation and/or ovulation. This will increase the chance of conception during the natural intercourse to follow. The growth of the follicles can be stimulated with clomifen or gonadotropins (FSH, HMG). One can either wait for natural ovulation to occur or trigger ovulation with hCG (human Choriongonadotropin). Triggering ovulation has the advantage that the best time point for intercourse can be determined. The physician will call this “intercourse at the optimal time”. This therapy does not fall into the category of §27a SGB V.
II. Assisted reproductive techniques: Insemination, IVF, ICSI
It is of great importance to us that your wish for a child does not fail due to financial or bureaucratic boundaries. We can advise you and assist you in problems regarding health insurance. The costs may also be payed in installments. Contact us and we will be glad to assist you.
- Public health insurance
- Private health insurance
- Self-payed
Private Health Insurance
The contract conditions of private health insurance companier vary greatly – Espacially if one parner is publically insured and the other one provathly clarification of cost coverage between the insurance companies involved is required. Before commencing fertility treatment it should be clear if and what
type of treatment tere private health insurance will be paying for. Questions or problems we are glad to help you.
Public Health Insurance
The publich health insurance covers 50% of the costs. The number of attempts is limited to:
- 8 inseminations without stimulation (where applicable with clomifen)
- 3 inseminations with hormonal stimulation (eg Gonal F, Puregon, Menogon)
- 3 IVF-cycles
- 3 ICSI-cycles
Conditions for a health insurance refund
- the couple needs to be married
- the women must be over 25 and is only allowed to be maximal 39 years of age
- the man must be over 25 and is only allowed to be maximal 49 years of age
Further details:
- Before commencing therapy the health insurance requires a plan of treatment
- If a clinical pregnancy occurs within the three IVF / ICSI attempts granted by your health insurance you are entiteled to further therapy
- After birth of your child you are entiteled to one more infertility therapy
- After sterilisation you can not claim infertility treatment from your health insurance
- cryopreservation of sperm, fertilised oocytes or embryos is not part of the service catalogue of public health insurance
- Both partners must be HIV-negativ