Clinic Management
As a member of numerous societies and associations, the KinderwunschPraxis is in an effort to create a cooperative exchange.
- American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
- Bundesverband Reproduktionsmedizinischer Zentren Deutschlands e.V. (BRZ)
- Reproduktionsmedizinische Zentren Baden-Württemberg e.V. (RZBW)
- Gesellschaft für Qualitätsmanagement in der Gesundheitsversorgung e.V. (GQMG)
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Reproduktionsmedizin e.V. (DGRM)
- Berufsverband der Frauenärzte e.V.
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Reproduktionsbiologie des Menschen (AGRBM)
- Arbeitskreis Donogene Insemination
Our Mission Statement
The KinderwunschPraxis staff lives the idea of quality management and the quest for constant improvement going along with it. Already one year after opening the practice we have been successfully certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. With strong dedication we have developed our existing quality management system further and further since then.
Our objectives
We always try to implement and improve the recent techniques of reproductive medicine without waiving the mental strain and the ups and downs of hope and despair. To treat infertility we can offer a wide range of therapy options.
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Our overall concept
We are a young but experienced team having the well-being of our patients in mind. Not only in medical but also in personal matters we strive to support you with words, deeds and our competence. We`ll go this way together!
Quality Policy
For us quality management is the intention to positively change things. The whole team lives this attitude and welcomes news and changes. Our long lasting experience and highest possible quality standards are common ground for a holistic, personal and very individual infertility treatment.
Kinderwunschpraxis Performance Evaluation
The Kinderwunschpraxis was founded in April 2002. By now we are already one of the biggest IVF centres in Baden-Württemberg.